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Some history: the founding pigeons and strains
1 Vervloesem backbone
Patrick Vervloesem (°1962) started racing pigeons with his father René (1933-2016)
We also have to mention Bieke, Patrick's wife, who became more and more involved in pigeon fancing at Rijmenam.
The story of the origins of the Vervloesem strain can in fact be told by looking at 4 founding breeding pairs:
1 The original pair
In 1970 Patrick, at that moment a kid of 8 years old, received 2 young pigeons from Frans Van Rompaey (Rijmenam) a member of their club.
Mealy cock, B6589442-70 | White Hen, B6664732-70 |
In fact the 2 youngsters were not very successful at the races, but the young Patrick did not want to take leave of the two youngsters whose colours he liked very much.
In 1972 they were paired together and from that date on a super pair was born.
Until today their bloodline is still present.
2 Founding Pair 1
Super pairs don't have eternal life, but luckily a grandson inherited all the good genes and became the real founding father of the Vervloesem strain. He was paired to a checkered female whose origins are not well documented.
Mealy cock, B6418022-84 | Checkered 014, B6608014-88 |
This "base pair 1" gave excellent offspring.in three and more generations.
But the mealy founder 022-84 also gave another excellent line with the hen B6499146-90. Especially a good racing daughter, the Mealy B6288850-92, will be very important in the development of the actual strain.
3 Founding Pair 2
In 1998 a daughter of the Base Pair 1 was coupled to a cock of Edward Cornelis and lo! another super breeding combination was made, maybe better than anything they had until then.
Checkered Cornelis B6141897-90 | Checkered hen B6346206-94 daughter Founding Pair 1 |
This pair gave a series of famous racers and breeders like:
B6398008-98 Rambo
B6398009-98 Nestmate Rambo
B6271173-00 Lange Witpender (Long White Flight)
4 Super Pair Bak 13 (Case 13)
It was a son of Founding Pair 2 who became the cock of the famous "Bak 13"
In fact the pairing of Bak 13 was al lucky stroke. The cock was ment to be a racer and his widow hen had raced very well as a youngster.
Geschelpte Witpender B6542294-99 Son of Founding Pair 2 Grandson of the Mealy 022 Brother of Rambo etc. |
007-Hen B6398007-98 Daughter of the Mealy 850 Granddaughter of the Mealy 022 |
In fact the Bak 13-pair was an inbred pair, and combined al the good genes of the old Vervloesem strain.
The overview will make the whole story clear.
2 Blauw Agneske of Frans Wouters-Wouters (Tremelo)
3 The contribution of the Engels pigeons
(Flor Engels & later on his sons Jos and Jules - Putte)
4 The Marcel Aelbrecht pigeons
5 Kaasboer Line of Gaston Van de Wouwer